Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Reset ESP Microcontroller Using Python and esptool

 The ESP series of microcontrollers, such as the ESP32 and ESP8266, are widely used in IoT projects due to their affordability, ease of use, and powerful wireless capabilities. At times, you may need to reset an ESP device to its factory state or reinitialize it for a new project. Python's esptool is a popular utility for interacting with ESP devices, and it can be used to perform various operations, including resetting the device. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to reset your ESP microcontroller using Python and esptool.

What is esptool?

esptool is an open-source Python-based utility developed by Espressif Systems, the creators of the ESP series. It allows users to:

  • Flash firmware onto ESP devices
  • Erase the flash memory
  • Reset the microcontroller
  • Read and write flash data
  • Check device information (chip ID, MAC address, etc.)

You can install esptool via Python's package manager, pip, and use it on various platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux.

python -m esptool --chip esp32 erase_flash


Before proceeding, make sure you have the following:

  1. Python Installed: Ensure you have Python 3.6 or later installed on your computer.

    • To check your Python version, run: python --version or python3 --version.
  2. esptool Installed: Install esptool using the following command:

    pip install esptool
  3. ESP Device: An ESP32, ESP8266, or any compatible ESP microcontroller.

  4. USB-to-Serial Converter: Connect the ESP device to your computer using a USB cable. Ensure the required drivers for the USB-to-serial chip (e.g., CH340, CP210x) are installed.

  5. Serial Port Information: Note the serial port your ESP device is connected to (e.g., /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux, COM3 on Windows). You can find this in your device manager or by using a terminal command such as:

    ls /dev/tty*  # For Linux/Mac


    mode  # For Windows

Step 1: Identify Your ESP Device

Run the following command to verify that your ESP device is detected and connected properly:

esptool.py --port <PORT> chip_id

Replace <PORT> with the serial port of your ESP device (e.g., /dev/ttyUSB0 or COM3). This command will output the chip ID and other device details.

Step 2: Erase Flash Memory (Reset to Factory State)

To reset the ESP device, you need to erase its flash memory. This will wipe all existing firmware and configurations. Run the following command:

esptool.py --port <PORT> erase_flash


  • --port <PORT>: Specifies the serial port connected to your ESP device.
  • erase_flash: A command to clear the entire flash memory of the device.

After running this command, you should see an output confirming that the flash memory has been erased.

Step 3: Flash New Firmware (Optional)

If you plan to load new firmware onto the ESP device after resetting it, you can use the following command:

esptool.py --port <PORT> write_flash -z 0x1000 <FIRMWARE_FILE>

Replace <FIRMWARE_FILE> with the path to your firmware binary file (e.g., esp32-20220101-v1.19.1.bin).


  • write_flash: Command to write firmware to the flash memory.
  • -z: Compress the firmware before flashing.
  • 0x1000: The default memory address for flashing firmware on ESP devices.

Step 4: Reset the ESP Device

Once the flash memory is erased or new firmware is written, you can manually reset the ESP device by pressing the RESET button on the board. Alternatively, you can issue a reset command via esptool:

esptool.py --port <PORT> run

This command will reboot the device and start it with either the default bootloader or the newly flashed firmware.

Example Python Script

You can automate the reset process using a Python script. Here’s an example:

import esptool
import sys

# Replace with your ESP's port
serial_port = "COM3"

    # Connect to the ESP device
    sys.argv = ["esptool.py", "--port", serial_port, "erase_flash"]
    print("Flash memory erased successfully!")

    # Reset the device
    sys.argv = ["esptool.py", "--port", serial_port, "run"]
    print("Device reset successfully!")

except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Save this script as reset_esp.py and run it using:

python reset_esp.py


Resetting an ESP microcontroller is an essential process when reinitializing the device for a new project or troubleshooting. Python's esptool makes this task straightforward and efficient. With the steps outlined above, you can erase the flash memory, flash new firmware, and reset your ESP device using simple commands or Python scripts.

Feel free to experiment and customize the process based on your project needs. Happy coding!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How to Fix - Brackets aren`t allowed on Youtube description

Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science tells about How to Fix - Brackets aren`t allowed on Youtube description Just copy and paste above signs in your description ⋖ and ⋗ Hope everything will be fine #fyp #tutorial #tutorialyoutube #MathematicsInformatics #PakAR

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Teknologi di Dunia Perbankan Modern: Pentingnya SMS Banking dan Cara Menonaktifkannya

Teknologi di Dunia Perbankan Modern: Pentingnya SMS Banking dan Cara Menonaktifkannya

Dalam era perbankan modern, teknologi telah menjadi komponen krusial dalam penyediaan layanan kepada nasabah. Salah satu teknologi yang sering digunakan adalah SMS Banking, yang memungkinkan nasabah untuk melakukan berbagai transaksi perbankan melalui pesan teks. Hal ini memberikan kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam mengelola keuangan mereka.

Namun, ada saatnya kita perlu menonaktifkan layanan SMS Banking, baik karena alasan keamanan atau karena tidak lagi membutuhkannya. Ingin tahu cara mudah menonaktifkan SMS Banking BRI tanpa perlu ke bank? Simak panduan berikut. Cara Menonaktifkan SMS Banking BRI Tanpa ke Bank

- Via BRImo

Untuk menonaktifkan layanan SMS Banking melalui aplikasi BRImo, kamu dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Unduh dan buka aplikasi BRImo.

2. Pilih menu ″Semua Rekening″.

3. Pilih rekening yang ingin dinonaktifkan.

4. Pilih ″Status Kartu″.

5. Ubah status kartu sampai mendapatkan respon untuk menonaktifkan.

6. Masukkan PIN BRImo.

Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah tersebut, kamu dapat menonaktifkan layanan SMS Banking melalui aplikasi BRImo.

Cara ini sangat ampuh karena sumbernya langsung dari kak Sabrina BRI  👌👍💯. Tenang, semua transaksi masih bisa dilakukan dengan BRImo.

- Via ATM

1. Kunjungi ATM BRI terdekat.

2. Masukkan kartu ATM BRI dan ketik PIN.

3. Pilih "Transaksi Lain" dan kemudian "Lainnya".

4. Pilih "Menu Registrasi" dan pilih layanan yang ingin dinonaktifkan, seperti "SMS Banking" atau "Mobile Banking". Lalu, pilih "Hentikan".

5. Masukkan PIN SMS Banking BRI.

6. Tunggu notifikasi penghentian layanan SMS Banking di layar ATM.

- Via Call Center

1. Hubungi Call Center BRI di nomor 14017 atau 1500017.

2. Pilih opsi untuk berbicara dengan Customer Service.

3. Jelaskan ke Customer Service bahwa kamu ingin menonaktifkan layanan SMS Banking BRI.

4. Berikan informasi identitas seperti nama lengkap, nomor rekening, dan nomor kartu ATM.

5. Tunggu proses verifikasi identitas dan penonaktifan layanan oleh Customer Service.

Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah tersebut, kamu dapat dengan mudah menonaktifkan layanan SMS Banking BRI sesuai kebutuhanmu.

#bankingmadeeasy #PakAR #mobilebanking #smsbanking #sms #potongansms #rupiah #duit #viral #BRI #bank