Thursday, January 28, 2010


記事で今回私について議論するスレッドの順序についてミシン (高速)、すなわち通常ミシン大きなテーラー、対流および衣服で使用中

主要なブランド ミシン (高速) それはすべて、それを呼び出すジューキ、ブラザー、歌手、典型的な juzishanggong 等、それぞれのブランドのそれ、それぞれの長所と短所を持っていたが、私はブランドの兄、歌手をお勧めまたはマシンの購入の場
大規模な縫製、その他はもっと醜いブランドしますが、より高価なブランドの他のマシンに比べてかかりますか私の経験に基づいているので、このエンジンの 2 つのブランドは非常に滑らかにし、ミシンに厚い材料のための使用がある場合は心配しないでください


に物理的な形の大きなマシンとマシンの間の最も明白な違いは、その速度縫製の面で、ミシン大は確かに高速で縫うことができるため、その速度は二重、小型 ンジンの場合 80 100 ワットと自転車のダイナモを使用して小型機大型機マシン使用してモーターの電力は 200 から 250 ワットの間小さなマシンよりも高い。比較のため私はポケット側の男のズボンを縫うで、小型エンジンを使用して約 4 時間、使用しながら大型機ながらの 2 時間かかります。手段あれば大きな洞マシンを購入するより良いですか。本当には小型と大型機利点があり
の欠陥、それぞれ。当該事業所のため、細かいステッチ シャツ女性専門ブティックちりばめたスパンコール、クバヤとパーティー ドレスやブライダ ドレス ミシン機能の並べ替え単に仕事次第に以上の手のステッチによって、大型機は間違いなく特定通り間違いなく遅い小型ミシン、またはコンピュータ ミシ ポータブルため冗長と考えられて使用事業所のこのタイプに適してと見なされますので。縫製仕立て、対流、または縫製衣服衣類の種類の種類の事業所は和解 速度の高いレートを必要とする大規模なミシンを使用して、この場合の違いは、絶対に必要です

大規模な現在のアップグレード小さなミシンを更新するつもり、ここで、リネンを具現化順序がわからない場合にも私はあなたのチュートリアルを与える、実際の順序に等しかった小型エンジン、2 つのマシン間でやや異なる唯一の位置

次に、順序、最初の 1 つ我々 は場所に配置、右通常救命ボート着用されている場合のバックアップとして救命艇エンジンをロールに使用するため、左にスレッドを場所に置く、ミシンのテーブルの右上隅の隅にあった縫製糸糸




鉄製ミシン、成っていた 3 つの穴は、穴に糸と、入力の両端を引き出します、どこに、フィードバックが必要がありますが、この写真で私は右に穴にそれを統


ラウンドは、2 つの鉄の中間にエンジン右の回転にスレッドを入れ、その後に本当に行く企業や垂れ下がったステッチを設定するこのラウンドの関数の結果後でためにを引




場合は、スレッドはすでに記録されて次のステップ リビング ミシン針に入力し、キラキラ糸 10 クローン メートルをプルし、マシンを針を下げ、ミシン糸がない使用中の後ろからのものです。ここからミシンが縫うに使用できるようにします


ミシンきらきら大のような整理私自宅でこの古いミシンの付属品や部品が接続されていない、新しいミシンは、彼の針と他のものの保護は通常より完全な ラー、彼の支持者の場合、あなたは、インストールの順序を検証できますので少し違いもこの記事では、そのほとんどが画像から形状と異なる場合同じ

Monday, January 25, 2010

Linux ala Mac dengan Mac4lin

Pernah ngliat tampilan desktop Apple Mac? Semua orang dijamin kesengsem. Falling in love with the style. Memang tuh desktopnya cakep banget. Makanya banyak yang ngimpi ingin memilikinya ;) hehe.. bener ga jo? Sebenarnya saya pernah mencoba merubah style ubuntu ala mac.. dulu. Udah lupa kapan sih.

Jadi kepikiran juga untuk nulis disini caranya dan metode apa yang saya pakai untuk memake up desktop ubuntu Gnome menjadi Mac style seperti tampilan desktop ini..

Cukup mudah untuk menyulap desktop kita menjadi seperti diatas. Kita bisa menggunakan Mac4lin bisa di download dari sini. Downloadlah file 34,6 Mb tersebut. Udah beres downloadnya?

Instalasi Mac4lin

  • Masuklah ke terminal
  • Meluncur ke lokasi kita menyimpan file hasil download tadi. Unziplah maka akan keluar dua folder yaitu Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 dan __MACOSX. Perintahnya #unzip ( biar ga capai ngetiknya setelah nulis huruf awal "M" pada terminal pencetlah tab, amati sebentar, kalau udah cocok tekan aja enter )
  • Masuklah ke folder Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 , dalam foler itu ketikkan perintah berikut #sudo sh , ikuti prosesnya, lakukan apa yang diminta, apabila diminta untuk mengisi pasword admin ketiklah dengan benar ;) hehe... standar banget ya Jo...
  • Setelah semua proses instalasinya selesai, sebenarnya kita udah bisa melihat perubahan dari desktop kita, tapi untuk lebih maksimal, kita diminta untuk log off dan kemudian login lagi. Kalau perlu restart komputer kali ya? ;) Sebaiknya jangan lupa juga baca referensi yang disertakan mac4lin ini biar lebih jelas.
Kalau sudah, kita bisa mengatur ke prefence untuk memilih theme yang diinginkan serta sedikit customise, ga maksa sih, tapi kalau memang kita mau, termasuk pemilihan icon dan background.

Biar semuanya mac look maka pilihlah theme dan  icon yang mac4lin. Wallpaper pilih juga yg mac look kalau perlu download. Biar perfect kita bisa menambahkan dock dan juga screenlet.

Semua udah ada kok di ubuntu, tinggal install jo..

Oia, mo nambahin dikit, tadi ada yang nanya cara install theme unbuntu gimana ?
Jawab : 
Mudahnya gini jo.. download theme yang kita suka dari mana aja deh, setelah selesai buka nautilus ( explorer ) buka pula System, Prefence, Appearance. Nah pada tab theme dalam keadaan aktif, drag & drop aja theme yang tadi kita download, maka ubuntu akan dengan senang hati menerapkan perubahan theme-nya dan lihat hasilnya... ;) ga bikin pusing kan? ( kalau kata Alm. Gusdur.."gitu aja kok repot".. hehehe...) piss

Linux ala Mac dengan Mac4lin

Pernah ngliat tampilan desktop Apple Mac? Semua orang dijamin kesengsem. Falling in love with the style. Memang tuh desktopnya cakep banget. Makanya banyak yang ngimpi ingin memilikinya ;) hehe.. bener ga jo? Sebenarnya saya pernah mencoba merubah style ubuntu ala mac.. dulu. Udah lupa kapan sih.

Jadi kepikiran juga untuk nulis disini caranya dan metode apa yang saya pakai untuk memake up desktop ubuntu Gnome menjadi Mac style seperti tampilan desktop ini..

Cukup mudah untuk menyulap desktop kita menjadi seperti diatas. Kita bisa menggunakan Mac4lin bisa di download dari sini. Downloadlah file 34,6 Mb tersebut. Udah beres downloadnya?

Instalasi Mac4lin

  • Masuklah ke terminal
  • Meluncur ke lokasi kita menyimpan file hasil download tadi. Unziplah maka akan keluar dua folder yaitu Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 dan __MACOSX. Perintahnya #unzip ( biar ga capai ngetiknya setelah nulis huruf awal "M" pada terminal pencetlah tab, amati sebentar, kalau udah cocok tekan aja enter )
  • Masuklah ke folder Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 , dalam foler itu ketikkan perintah berikut #sudo sh , ikuti prosesnya, lakukan apa yang diminta, apabila diminta untuk mengisi pasword admin ketiklah dengan benar ;) hehe... standar banget ya Jo...
  • Setelah semua proses instalasinya selesai, sebenarnya kita udah bisa melihat perubahan dari desktop kita, tapi untuk lebih maksimal, kita diminta untuk log off dan kemudian login lagi. Kalau perlu restart komputer kali ya? ;) Sebaiknya jangan lupa juga baca referensi yang disertakan mac4lin ini biar lebih jelas.
Kalau sudah, kita bisa mengatur ke prefence untuk memilih theme yang diinginkan serta sedikit customise, ga maksa sih, tapi kalau memang kita mau, termasuk pemilihan icon dan background.

Biar semuanya mac look maka pilihlah theme dan  icon yang mac4lin. Wallpaper pilih juga yg mac look kalau perlu download. Biar perfect kita bisa menambahkan dock dan juga screenlet.

Semua udah ada kok di ubuntu, tinggal install jo..

Oia, mo nambahin dikit, tadi ada yang nanya cara install theme unbuntu gimana ?
Jawab : 
Mudahnya gini jo.. download theme yang kita suka dari mana aja deh, setelah selesai buka nautilus ( explorer ) buka pula System, Prefence, Appearance. Nah pada tab theme dalam keadaan aktif, drag & drop aja theme yang tadi kita download, maka ubuntu akan dengan senang hati menerapkan perubahan theme-nya dan lihat hasilnya... ;) ga bikin pusing kan? ( kalau kata Alm. Gusdur.."gitu aja kok repot".. hehehe...) piss

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Contoh Shell Command

Shel Command
Perintah Keterangan Contoh
cat nama_file Menampilkan isi file cat readme.txt
cd directory Masuk ke direktory cd home, cd /usr, cd pictures
chmod mode files Merubah access permission chmod 777 readme.txt
cp Menyalin file cp readme.txt /home/joko/
ls Menampilkan isi folder ls /home/heru
df Menampilkan penggunaan hardisk df
file filename Menampilkan jenis file file readme.txt
info Dokumentasi perintah info cp
pwd Menampilkan direktori aktif pwd
rm Menghapus file dan direktori rm readme.txt, rm -r tes
mkdir Membuat direktori mkdir tes
rmdir Menghapus direktori rmdir tes
wc Menghitung baris, kata dan karakter wc readme.txt
which Menunjukkan path suatu command which cp, which mkdir

Contoh Shell Command

Shel Command
Perintah Keterangan Contoh
cat nama_file Menampilkan isi file cat readme.txt
cd directory Masuk ke direktory cd home, cd /usr, cd pictures
chmod mode files Merubah access permission chmod 777 readme.txt
cp Menyalin file cp readme.txt /home/joko/
ls Menampilkan isi folder ls /home/heru
df Menampilkan penggunaan hardisk df
file filename Menampilkan jenis file file readme.txt
info Dokumentasi perintah info cp
pwd Menampilkan direktori aktif pwd
rm Menghapus file dan direktori rm readme.txt, rm -r tes
mkdir Membuat direktori mkdir tes
rmdir Menghapus direktori rmdir tes
wc Menghitung baris, kata dan karakter wc readme.txt
which Menunjukkan path suatu command which cp, which mkdir

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Firefox High Speed

Adakalanya firefox kita berjalan lambat, bikin kita ga sabaran. Pengin rasanya memiliki firefox yang bisa berlari kencang. Nah disini salah satu trik untuk membuat firefox berlari :

Ketikan di addres bar firefox : "about:config"

Di Filter carilah : 

  1. network.http.max-connections, double klik dan masukan nilai "64".
  2. network.http.max-connections-per-server, double klik dan masukan nilai "21".
  3. network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server, double klik dan masukan nilai "8".
  4. network.http.pipelining, double klik dan rubah  menjadi "true".
  5. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests, double klik dan masukan nilai "100".
  6. network.http.proxy.pipelining, double klik juga menjadi "true".

Langkah terakhir, klik kanan (dimana saja) pilih : New integer lalu tulis "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" , masukan nilai "0".

Setelah semua langkah diatas kita selesaikan dengan merestart firefox. Coba lihat perbedaannya jo...

Firefox High Speed

Adakalanya firefox kita berjalan lambat, bikin kita ga sabaran. Pengin rasanya memiliki firefox yang bisa berlari kencang. Nah disini salah satu trik untuk membuat firefox berlari :

Ketikan di addres bar firefox : "about:config"

Di Filter carilah : 

  1. network.http.max-connections, double klik dan masukan nilai "64".
  2. network.http.max-connections-per-server, double klik dan masukan nilai "21".
  3. network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server, double klik dan masukan nilai "8".
  4. network.http.pipelining, double klik dan rubah  menjadi "true".
  5. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests, double klik dan masukan nilai "100".
  6. network.http.proxy.pipelining, double klik juga menjadi "true".

Langkah terakhir, klik kanan (dimana saja) pilih : New integer lalu tulis "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" , masukan nilai "0".

Setelah semua langkah diatas kita selesaikan dengan merestart firefox. Coba lihat perbedaannya jo...

Apple’s January 27 agenda: The iSlate, iPhone OS 4.0, and iLife 2010

Apple tablet mockup (Chris Messina 001)
Sources speculated to FoxNews on Monday that Apple’s January 27 event will include three things: A tablet, iPhone OS 4.0, and iLife 2010. According to the network, a rumored fourth-generation iPhone will not be part of the event, contradicting Korean’s market sources claiming that an improved iPhone will launch during April/May rather than the usual June/July timeframe due to the supposedly strong pressure from Google’s Nexus One. Clayton Morris, author of the FoxNews piece, wrote the following:
I spoke to a source at Apple this morning, before the invite hit my inbox, who said the event would likely focus on three projects: The tablet device, iPhone 4, and a new round of iLife 2010 software. While we won’t see new iPhone hardware just yet, we will see the next-generation software.
Note that January 27, 2010 also marks an anniversary since Apple began shipping iLife ‘09, the current version of its digital lifestyle suite. Apple boasted new iLife features at the time, such as Facebook integration, facial recognition, and photo geotagging in iPhoto, advanced editing capabilities in iMovie, and celebrity playing lessons in GarageBand, to name a few.
Readers should note that Apple has a habit (and a history, too) of re-shuffling event agendas last minute. The iPhone maker is also known for spreading false rumors itself to retain the surprise factor. Apple issued press invitations Monday morning via email, confirming it will be holding a media event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco on January 27 at 10am Pacific. An obligatory tease included the “Come see our latest creation” tagline.
Apple tablet mockup (John Kruemp/Gizmodo)
Apple tablet mockup: John Kruemp/Gizmodo

Christian’s Opinion

This report builds upon the previous FoxNews piece by the same author that corroborated earlier Financial Times’ event findings. If Apple’s event is about “all things mobile” as FoxNews suggested, then iPhone OS 4.0 is a given, as is an accompanying SDK that should enable developers to write next-gen software for the iPhone platform. The iSlate announcement, however, is up for a debate because nothing is certain until Steve Jobs pulls one out of his pocket. Considering how big media put their credibility behind those iSlate rumors, I think Apple does have a new portable device up its sleeve that will take the iPhone platform to new places.
The iLife claim doesn’t surprise me. After all, the digital lifestyle suite is up for an update. I have no doubt in my mind that we’ll see a tablet-optimized iLife version because it’d turn the gizmo into a content creation device – an important distinction between a tablet and a smartphone. I also expect the iWork to follow the suit. If the New York Times is right, Apple’s tablet will run a multitouch-enabled iWork version optimized for its gesture-based interface.
I kind of expect a 4G iPhone announcement and a camera-enabled iPod touch upgrade. Strangely, Morris’ report makes no mention of a rumored Core i5 MacBook upgrade, the perfect fit for “all things mobile.” On the other hand, Apple could update MacBooks via a simple press release. Should there be important architectural changes, Jobs might give MacBooks a few minutes of air time come January 27.


Apple’s January 27 agenda: The iSlate, iPhone OS 4.0, and iLife 2010

Apple tablet mockup (Chris Messina 001)
Sources speculated to FoxNews on Monday that Apple’s January 27 event will include three things: A tablet, iPhone OS 4.0, and iLife 2010. According to the network, a rumored fourth-generation iPhone will not be part of the event, contradicting Korean’s market sources claiming that an improved iPhone will launch during April/May rather than the usual June/July timeframe due to the supposedly strong pressure from Google’s Nexus One. Clayton Morris, author of the FoxNews piece, wrote the following:
I spoke to a source at Apple this morning, before the invite hit my inbox, who said the event would likely focus on three projects: The tablet device, iPhone 4, and a new round of iLife 2010 software. While we won’t see new iPhone hardware just yet, we will see the next-generation software.
Note that January 27, 2010 also marks an anniversary since Apple began shipping iLife ‘09, the current version of its digital lifestyle suite. Apple boasted new iLife features at the time, such as Facebook integration, facial recognition, and photo geotagging in iPhoto, advanced editing capabilities in iMovie, and celebrity playing lessons in GarageBand, to name a few.
Readers should note that Apple has a habit (and a history, too) of re-shuffling event agendas last minute. The iPhone maker is also known for spreading false rumors itself to retain the surprise factor. Apple issued press invitations Monday morning via email, confirming it will be holding a media event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco on January 27 at 10am Pacific. An obligatory tease included the “Come see our latest creation” tagline.
Apple tablet mockup (John Kruemp/Gizmodo)
Apple tablet mockup: John Kruemp/Gizmodo

Christian’s Opinion

This report builds upon the previous FoxNews piece by the same author that corroborated earlier Financial Times’ event findings. If Apple’s event is about “all things mobile” as FoxNews suggested, then iPhone OS 4.0 is a given, as is an accompanying SDK that should enable developers to write next-gen software for the iPhone platform. The iSlate announcement, however, is up for a debate because nothing is certain until Steve Jobs pulls one out of his pocket. Considering how big media put their credibility behind those iSlate rumors, I think Apple does have a new portable device up its sleeve that will take the iPhone platform to new places.
The iLife claim doesn’t surprise me. After all, the digital lifestyle suite is up for an update. I have no doubt in my mind that we’ll see a tablet-optimized iLife version because it’d turn the gizmo into a content creation device – an important distinction between a tablet and a smartphone. I also expect the iWork to follow the suit. If the New York Times is right, Apple’s tablet will run a multitouch-enabled iWork version optimized for its gesture-based interface.
I kind of expect a 4G iPhone announcement and a camera-enabled iPod touch upgrade. Strangely, Morris’ report makes no mention of a rumored Core i5 MacBook upgrade, the perfect fit for “all things mobile.” On the other hand, Apple could update MacBooks via a simple press release. Should there be important architectural changes, Jobs might give MacBooks a few minutes of air time come January 27.


Nearly finished: Mozilla posts the second Firefox 3.6 release candidate

Mozilla has posted the second release candidate of Firefox 3.6 Sunday, just five days after the non-profit organization put forth the first release candidate. Such an accelerating pace of development indicates that Firefox 3.6 will be ready for prime time soon. This release packs no new features beyond a few under-the-hood tweaks and more than 70 bug fixes from the last beta to improve performance, stability, security, and features.
ozilla said Firefox 3.6 RC2 is considered to be stable and safe to use for daily web browsing, representing the features and content that will be in the final product release. This version is also faster and more responsive than previous versions, and has been optimized to run on small device operating systems such as Maemo. Firefox 3.6 RC2 is available in 70 languages and tested against the vast majority of Mozilla add-ons. The latter will be key when upgrading to the final release, especially remembering how add-on incompatibilities had plagued previous Firefox releases.

Firefox 3.6 RC2 (download icon)Firefox 3.6, code-named Namoroca after a Madagascar national park, will be built on the Gecko 1.9.2 layout engine also found in mobile Firefox. Even though it’s an incremental update, Firefox 3.6 will offer enough new features and technologies to keep users and developers happy.

Firefox 3.6 sports a lightweight theming engine dubbed Personas, a syncing add-on, improved plug-in management that warns you about expired plugins, new APIs enabling developers to write extensions that retrieve your geographical location, and more. It also supports the latest HTML5 specification, including the File API for local file handling, allowing web apps to access and manipulate local files without requiring you to upload them to the server first.

If you already have any previous beta of Firefox 3.6 installed on your system, the software should automatically update itself. You can also invoke the update check manually by choosing the “Check for Updates” from the Help menu. Users installing a fresh copy of Firefox 3.6 RC2 should download a standalone installers for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.

Read more in Firefox 3.6 RC2 release notes.
Firefox 3.6 RC2 in bullets:

* Users can change the browser’s appearance with a single click using Personas.
* Firefox 3.6 alerts users about out of date plugins to keep them safe.
* Changes to how third-party software integrates with Firefox to increase stability.
* Improved automatic form fill provides better options from your form history.
* Open, native video can now be displayed full screen, and supports poster frames.
* Support for the WOFF font format.
* Improved JavaScript performance, overall browser responsiveness and startup time.
* The ability to run scripts asynchronously to speed up page load times.
* Support for the HTML5 File API.
* Support for new CSS, DOM and HTML5 web technologies.