File ini adalah rsc dari hasil export dengan menggunakan command: export compact file="webiot-backup"
File juga dapat dilakukan import dengan command: import file-name="webiot-backup"
Berikut daftar kode backup file rsc
# aug/16/2020 05:47:19 by RouterOS 6.47.1 # software id = 3VJW-21AK # # model = 750GL # serial number = 354F0128B0B7 /interface bridge add name=bridge1 /interface ethernet switch set 0 mirror-source=ether1 mirror-target=ether2 /interface wireless security-profiles set [ find default=yes ] supplicant-identity=MikroTik /ip firewall layer7-protocol add name=Youtube regexp="^.+(|||ytimg.c\ om|||||google\|*\$" add name=webiot regexp="^.+(*\$" /ip hotspot profile add hotspot-address= login-by=\ http-chap,http-pap,mac-cookie name=hsprof1 use-radius=yes /ip hotspot add addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=none interface=\ bridge1 name=iCAL-hotspot profile=hsprof1 add addresses-per-mac=unlimited disabled=no idle-timeout=none interface=\ ether5 name=iCAL-hotspot1 profile=hsprof1 /ip hotspot user profile set [ find default=yes ] idle-timeout=1d keepalive-timeout=1d \ mac-cookie-timeout=1d on-login="{\r\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\r\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\r\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\r\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\r\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\r\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\r\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\r\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\r\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\r\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\r\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\r\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\r\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\r\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\r\ \n}" on-logout="/tool fetch url=\"\ AGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$\ user Logout Sendiri || \$address\" keep-result=no" add idle-timeout=1d keepalive-timeout=1d name=user10 on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="/tool fetch url=\"\ AGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$\ user Logout Sendiri || \$address\" keep-result=no" shared-users=10 \ status-autorefresh=1h add idle-timeout=4w2d keepalive-timeout=1h mac-cookie-timeout=1h name=1jam \ on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 jam habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket 1 ja\ m\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 jam\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" add idle-timeout=4w2d keepalive-timeout=3h mac-cookie-timeout=3h name=3jam \ on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 3 jam habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket 3 ja\ m\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 3 jam\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" add idle-timeout=4w2d keepalive-timeout=5h mac-cookie-timeout=5h name=5jam \ on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 5 jam habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket 5 ja\ m\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 5 jam\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" add idle-timeout=4w2d keepalive-timeout=1d mac-cookie-timeout=1d name=1hari \ on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 hari habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket 1 ha\ ri\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 hari\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" add idle-timeout=4w2d keepalive-timeout=1w mac-cookie-timeout=1w name=1minggu \ on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 Minggu habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket 1 Mi\ nggu\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 Minggu\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" add idle-timeout=4w2d keepalive-timeout=4w2d mac-cookie-timeout=4w2d name=\ 1bulan on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 Bulan habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket 1 Bu\ lan\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 Bulan\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" add idle-timeout=1d keepalive-timeout=5m mac-cookie-timeout=5m name=gratis \ on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket Gratis habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket Grat\ is\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket Gratis\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" shared-users=10 add idle-timeout=4w2d keepalive-timeout=4w2d mac-cookie-timeout=4w2d name=\ 1bulanmin on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 Bulan min habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket 1 Bu\ lan min\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 Bulan min\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" add idle-timeout=4w2d keepalive-timeout=4w2d mac-cookie-timeout=4w2d name=\ 1bulanmax on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 Bulan max habis\") do={\ \n/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"Paket 1 Bu\ lan max\" customer=admin numbers=\$user;\ \n}\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="{\ \n:local cekPaket [/tool user-manager user get [find username=\"\$user\"] \ actual-profile];\ \nif (\$cekPaket=\"Paket 1 Bulan max\") do={\ \n:local hasilPaket (\"Paket utama habis\")\ \n}\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$user Logout Se\ ndiri || \$address%0A\$hasilPaket\" keep-result=no\ \n}" shared-users=3 add idle-timeout=1w keepalive-timeout=1w mac-cookie-timeout=1w name=user3 \ on-login="{\ \n:local nama \"\$user\";\ \n:local ips \"\$address\";\ \n:local mac [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] mac-address]\ ;\ \n:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find address=\"\$ips\"] host-nam\ e];\ \n:local lby [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] login-by];\ \n:local limitIn [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-by\ tes-in];\ \n:local limitOut [/ip hotspot active get [find address=\"\$ips\"] limit-b\ ytes-out];\ \n:local limIn [((\$limitIn)/1048576)];\ \n:local limOut [((\$limitOut)/1048576)];\ \n#:local exp [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$nama\"] next-run];\ \n:local useraktif [/ip hotspot active print count-only];\ \n:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find addres\ s=\"\$ips\"] session-time-left])\ \n/tool fetch \"\ oDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=====>> Login :%0A\$n\ ama%0A\$ips %0A\$mac%0A\$host%0Alogin-by : \$lby%0AKuota : \$limIn Mb / \$\ limOut Mb%0A\$activeTime%0ATerhubung : \$useraktif user\" mode=http keep-r\ esult=no;\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$ips\"];\ \n}" on-logout="/tool fetch url=\"\ AGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$\ user Logout Sendiri || \$address\" keep-result=no" shared-users=3 /ip pool add name=dhcp_pool0 ranges= add name=dhcp_pool4 ranges= add name=dhcp_pool5 ranges= /ip dhcp-server add address-pool=dhcp_pool4 disabled=no interface=ether5 lease-time=1d name=\ dhcp1 add address-pool=dhcp_pool5 disabled=no interface=bridge1 lease-time=1d name=\ dhcp2 /lora servers add down-port=1700 name=TTN-EU \ up-port=1700 add down-port=1700 name=TTN-US \ up-port=1700 /queue simple add limit-at=1M/5M max-limit=1M/5M name=Toko packet-marks=Toko target=ether3 add limit-at=512k/512k max-limit=512k/512k name=iCAL packet-marks=iCAL \ parent=Toko target= add limit-at=1k/1k max-limit=1k/1k name=black packet-marks=black parent=Toko \ target=ether3 total-max-limit=1M /system logging action set 0 memory-lines=50 set 1 disk-lines-per-file=20 /tool user-manager customer set admin access=\ own-routers,own-users,own-profiles,own-limits,config-payment-gw city=\ TANGERANG company=WEBIOT.ID country=INDONESIA \ password=ar!0041987NM public-id=iCAL /tool user-manager profile add name=admin name-for-users=admin override-shared-users=unlimited owner=\ admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=0s add name="Paket 500 MB" name-for-users=500mb override-shared-users=off owner=\ admin price=5000 starts-at=logon validity=2d add name="Paket 1 GB" name-for-users=1gb override-shared-users=3 owner=admin \ price=10000 starts-at=logon validity=1w add name="Paket 1 jam" name-for-users=1jam override-shared-users=off owner=\ admin price=1000 starts-at=logon validity=1h add name="Paket 3 jam" name-for-users=3jam override-shared-users=off owner=\ admin price=3000 starts-at=logon validity=3h add name="Paket 5 jam" name-for-users=5jam override-shared-users=off owner=\ admin price=5000 starts-at=logon validity=5h add name="Paket 1 hari" name-for-users=1hari override-shared-users=off owner=\ admin price=10000 starts-at=logon validity=1d add name="Paket 1 Minggu" name-for-users=1minggu override-shared-users=off \ owner=admin price=20000 starts-at=logon validity=1w add name="Paket 1 Bulan" name-for-users=1bulan override-shared-users=off \ owner=admin price=60000 starts-at=logon validity=4w2d add name="Paket Gratis" name-for-users=gratis override-shared-users=off \ owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=5m add name="Paket Gratis habis" name-for-users=gratishabis \ override-shared-users=off owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=1d add name="Paket 1 jam habis" name-for-users=1jamhabis override-shared-users=\ off owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=1h add name="Paket 3 jam habis" name-for-users=3jamhabis override-shared-users=\ off owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=3h add name="Paket 5 jam habis" name-for-users=5jamhabis override-shared-users=\ off owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=5h add name="Paket 1 hari habis" name-for-users=1harihabis \ override-shared-users=off owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=1d add name="Paket 1 Minggu habis" name-for-users=1mingguhabis \ override-shared-users=off owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=1w add name="Paket 1 Bulan habis" name-for-users=1bulanhabis \ override-shared-users=off owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=\ 4w2d add name="Paket 1 Bulan min" name-for-users=1bulanmin override-shared-users=\ off owner=admin price=30000 starts-at=logon validity=4w2d add name="Paket 1 Bulan min habis" name-for-users=1bulanminhabis \ override-shared-users=off owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=\ 4w2d add name="Paket 1 Bulan max" name-for-users=1bulanmax override-shared-users=3 \ owner=admin price=100000 starts-at=logon validity=4w2d add name="Paket 1 Bulan max habis" name-for-users=1bulanmaxhabis \ override-shared-users=3 owner=admin price=0 starts-at=logon validity=4w2d /tool user-manager profile limitation add address-list="" download-limit=524288000B group-name="" ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 500 MB" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=524288B \ rate-limit-min-tx=1048576B rate-limit-rx=524288B rate-limit-tx=1048576B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=104857600B uptime-limit=2d add address-list="" download-limit=1073741824B group-name=user3 ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 GB" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=524288B \ rate-limit-min-tx=1048576B rate-limit-rx=524288B rate-limit-tx=1048576B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=314572800B uptime-limit=1w add address-list="" download-limit=104857600B group-name=1jam ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 jam" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=256000B rate-limit-tx=256000B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=52428800B uptime-limit=1h add address-list="" download-limit=314572800B group-name=3jam ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 3 jam" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=256000B rate-limit-tx=256000B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=78643200B uptime-limit=3h add address-list="" download-limit=524288000B group-name=5jam ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 5 jam" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=256000B rate-limit-tx=256000B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=104857600B uptime-limit=5h add address-list="" download-limit=1073741824B group-name=1hari ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 hari" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=256000B rate-limit-tx=256000B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=314572800B uptime-limit=1d add address-list="" download-limit=3221225472B group-name=1minggu ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 Minggu" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=262144B rate-limit-tx=262144B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=1073741824B uptime-limit=1w add address-list="" download-limit=16106127360B group-name=1bulan ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 Bulan" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=256000B rate-limit-tx=256000B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=5368709120B uptime-limit=4w2d add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=user10 ip-pool="" ip-pool6=\ "" name=admin owner=admin transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=\ 0s add address-list="" download-limit=52428800B group-name=gratis ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket Gratis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=524288B rate-limit-tx=1048576B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=10485760B uptime-limit=1d add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=gratis ip-pool="" ip-pool6=\ "" name="Paket Gratis habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-priority=8 rate-limit-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-tx=65536B transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=1d add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=1jam ip-pool="" ip-pool6="" \ name="Paket 1 jam habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=65536B rate-limit-tx=65536B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=1h add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=3jam ip-pool="" ip-pool6="" \ name="Paket 3 jam habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=65536B rate-limit-tx=65536B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=3h add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=5jam ip-pool="" ip-pool6="" \ name="Paket 5 jam habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=65536B rate-limit-tx=65536B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=5h add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=1hari ip-pool="" ip-pool6="" \ name="Paket 1 hari habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=65536B rate-limit-tx=65536B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=1d add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=1minggu ip-pool="" ip-pool6=\ "" name="Paket 1 Minggu habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=65536B rate-limit-tx=65536B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=1w add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=1bulan ip-pool="" ip-pool6=\ "" name="Paket 1 Bulan habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=65536B \ rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=65536B rate-limit-tx=65536B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=4w2d add address-list="" download-limit=10737418240B group-name=1bulanmin ip-pool=\ "" ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 Bulan min" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=\ 65536B rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=262144B rate-limit-tx=\ 262144B transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=3221225472B uptime-limit=4w2d add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=1bulanmin ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 Bulan min habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=\ 65536B rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=65536B rate-limit-tx=65536B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=4w2d add address-list="" download-limit=32212254720B group-name=1bulanmax ip-pool=\ "" ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 Bulan max" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=\ 65536B rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=524288B rate-limit-tx=\ 524288B transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=10737418240B uptime-limit=4w2d add address-list="" download-limit=0B group-name=1bulanmax ip-pool="" \ ip-pool6="" name="Paket 1 Bulan max habis" owner=admin rate-limit-min-rx=\ 65536B rate-limit-min-tx=65536B rate-limit-rx=65536B rate-limit-tx=65536B \ transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=0B uptime-limit=4w2d /interface bridge port add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether4 add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether3 /ip address add address= disabled=yes interface=bridge1 network= add address= interface=ether1 network= add address= interface=bridge1 network= add address= interface=ether5 network= add address= interface=ether2 network= /ip dhcp-server lease add address= client-id=1:cc:9f:7a:ce:ae:4a mac-address=\ CC:9F:7A:CE:AE:4A server=dhcp2 add address= client-id=1:7c:e9:d3:29:21:b7 mac-address=\ 7C:E9:D3:29:21:B7 server=dhcp2 add address= client-id=1:8e:53:c3:7:93:8b disabled=yes \ mac-address=8E:53:C3:07:93:8B server=dhcp2 add address= client-id=1:28:d1:27:1b:27:7c mac-address=\ 28:D1:27:1B:27:7C server=dhcp2 use-src-mac=yes add address= client-id=1:44:46:87:7d:e5:b5 mac-address=\ 44:46:87:7D:E5:B5 server=dhcp2 add address= mac-address=00:0A:00:78:6E:28 server=dhcp2 \ use-src-mac=yes /ip dhcp-server network add address= dns-server=, gateway= add address= comment="hotspot network" gateway= add address= dns-server=, gateway= /ip dns set servers=, /ip firewall address-list add address= list=server add address= list=private-lokal add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add address= disabled=yes list=WHATSAPP add 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chain=unused-hs-chain comment=\ "place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes add action=drop chain=input comment="drop ssh brute forcers" dst-port=22 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=ssh_blacklist add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ssh_blacklist \ address-list-timeout=1w3d chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=22 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=ssh_stage3 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ssh_stage3 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=22 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=ssh_stage2 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ssh_stage2 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=22 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=ssh_stage1 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ssh_stage1 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=22 \ protocol=tcp add action=drop chain=input comment="drop telnet brute forcers" dst-port=23 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=telnet_blacklist add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=telnet_blacklist \ address-list-timeout=1w3d chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=23 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=telnet_stage3 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=telnet_stage3 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=23 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=telnet_stage2 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=telnet_stage2 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=23 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=telnet_stage1 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=telnet_stage1 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=23 \ protocol=tcp add action=drop chain=input comment="drop ftp brute forcers" dst-port=21 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=ftp_blacklist add action=accept chain=output content="530 Login incorrect" dst-limit=\ 1/1m,9,dst-address/1m protocol=tcp add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=ftp_blacklist \ address-list-timeout=3h chain=output content="530 Login incorrect" \ protocol=tcp add action=drop chain=input comment="drop winbox brute forcers" dst-port=8291 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=winbox_blacklist add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=winbox_blacklist \ address-list-timeout=1w3d chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=8291 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=winbox_stage3 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=winbox_stage3 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=8291 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=winbox_stage2 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=winbox_stage2 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=8291 \ protocol=tcp src-address-list=winbox_stage1 add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=winbox_stage1 \ address-list-timeout=1m chain=input connection-state=new dst-port=8291 \ protocol=tcp add action=jump chain=forward comment=ddos connection-state=new jump-target=\ detect-ddos add action=return chain=detect-ddos dst-limit=32,32,src-and-dst-addresses/10s add action=return chain=detect-ddos src-address= add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=ddosed address-list-timeout=\ 10m chain=detect-ddos add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=ddoser address-list-timeout=\ 10m chain=detect-ddos add action=drop chain=forward connection-state=new dst-address-list=ddosed \ log=yes log-prefix=DDoS src-address-list=ddoser add action=drop chain=input dst-port=21,22,80,443,65533 in-interface=bridge1 \ protocol=tcp /ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=iCAL new-connection-mark=\ iCAL passthrough=yes src-mac-address=CC:9F:7A:CE:AE:4A add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting connection-mark=iCAL new-packet-mark=\ iCAL passthrough=no add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="Black IP" \ new-connection-mark=black passthrough=yes src-mac-address=\ 50:8F:4C:F4:63:34 add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting connection-mark=black \ new-packet-mark=black passthrough=no add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=Toko new-connection-mark=\ Toko passthrough=yes src-mac-address=28:D1:27:1B:27:7C add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting connection-mark=Toko new-packet-mark=\ Toko passthrough=no add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=Kontrakan \ new-connection-mark=Kontrakan passthrough=yes src-mac-address=\ 9C:6F:52:DB:7D:07 add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting connection-mark=Kontrakan \ new-packet-mark=Kontrakan passthrough=no /ip firewall nat add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment=\ "place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1 add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-address= dst-port=80 protocol=\ tcp to-addresses= to-ports=0-65532 add action=masquerade chain=srcnat disabled=yes out-interface=bridge1 add action=redirect chain=dstnat dst-address-list=private-lokal dst-port=\ 80,443 protocol=tcp to-ports=8080 add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=ether2 /ip firewall raw add action=add-dst-to-address-list address-list=WHATSAPP \ address-list-timeout=none-static chain=prerouting comment=WA content=\ .whatsapp dst-address-list=!private-lokal src-address-list=private-lokal add action=drop chain=prerouting comment=blackIP src-address-list=blackIP \ time=0s-6h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat # inactive time add action=drop chain=prerouting src-address-list=blackIP time=\ 6h30m-11h30m,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat # inactive time add action=drop chain=prerouting src-address-list=blackIP time=\ 12h-17h30m,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat # inactive time add action=drop chain=prerouting src-address-list=blackIP time=\ 18h-1d,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat /ip hotspot ip-binding add mac-address=B8:27:EB:15:41:5D to-address= type=bypassed add mac-address=CC:9F:7A:CE:AE:4A to-address= type=bypassed add mac-address=00:0A:00:78:6E:28 to-address= type=bypassed add address= disabled=yes mac-address=8E:53:C3:07:93:8B \ to-address= type=bypassed add mac-address=28:D1:27:1B:27:7C to-address= type=bypassed add mac-address=9C:6F:52:DB:7D:07 to-address= type=bypassed /ip hotspot user add comment=Admin disabled=yes limit-bytes-in=30000000000 limit-bytes-out=\ 30000000000 limit-bytes-total=30000000000 name=admin password=10041987nm \ profile=user10 /ip hotspot walled-garden add comment="place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes add comment=Whatsapp dst-host=* dst-port=443 add dst-host=* dst-port=443 add dst-port=443 /ip hotspot walled-garden ip add action=accept comment=whatsapp disabled=yes !dst-address \ dst-address-list=WHATSAPP !dst-port !protocol !src-address \ !src-address-list add action=drop disabled=no !dst-address !dst-address-list dst-host=\ * !dst-port protocol=tcp !src-address !src-address-list /ip proxy set enabled=yes /ip proxy access add dst-address= src-address= add dst-address= src-address= add action=deny dst-address= dst-port=\ 20,21,22,23,80,443,8291,65533 add action=deny dst-address= dst-port=80,443 redirect-to=\ add action=deny dst-address= dst-port=80,443 redirect-to=\ add action=deny dst-address= dst-port=\ 20,21,22,23,80,443,8291,65533 add action=deny dst-address= dst-port=\ 20,21,22,23,80,443,8291,65533 /ip route add distance=1 gateway= /ip service set www port=65533 /radius add address= secret=10041987nm service=hotspot add address= secret=10041987nm service=hotspot add address= secret=10041987nm service=hotspot /system clock set time-zone-name=Asia/Jakarta /system clock manual set time-zone=+07:00 /system gps set set-system-time=yes /system identity set name=iCAL-hotspot /system lcd set contrast=0 enabled=no port=parallel type=24x4 /system lcd page set time disabled=yes display-time=5s set resources disabled=yes display-time=5s set uptime disabled=yes display-time=5s set packets disabled=yes display-time=5s set bits disabled=yes display-time=5s set version disabled=yes display-time=5s set identity disabled=yes display-time=5s set bridge1 disabled=yes display-time=5s set ether1 disabled=yes display-time=5s set ether2 disabled=yes display-time=5s set ether3 disabled=yes display-time=5s set ether4 disabled=yes display-time=5s set ether5 disabled=yes display-time=5s /system logging add action=disk prefix=-> topics=hotspot,info,debug /system ntp client set enabled=yes primary-ntp= secondary-ntp= /system scheduler add interval=5m name=removeSession on-event=removeSession policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-time=\ startup add comment="aug/02/2020 13:45:37" interval=30s name=logMikrotik on-event=\ "/system script run logMikrotik" policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \ start-time=startup add interval=5s name=Telegram on-event="/system script run tg_getUpdates" \ policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \ start-time=startup add interval=1h name=logHost on-event="/system script run tg_cmd_host" \ policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \ start-time=startup /system script add dont-require-permissions=no name=removeSession owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive source="# Scrip\ t Source : Mikrotik Forums\r\ \n# Script Starts Here.\r\ \n# Setting Timeout in Seconds\r\ \n# Timeout in Seconds, when session update is older -> session closed\r\ \n:local Timeout 60\r\ \n \r\ \n#------------------------------------------\r\ \n:local LastSessionUpdate;\r\ \n:local SessionTimeout;\r\ \n:foreach i in=[/tool user-manager session find where active=yes] do={\r\ \n \r\ \n# When was the last Update of the session-informations\r\ \n:set LastSessionUpdate [/tool user-manager session get \$i till-time]\r\ \n \r\ \n# SessionTimeout is a value that tells me how many seconds ago the last \ update of this session was\r\ \n:set SessionTimeout ([system clock get time] - [:pick \$LastSessionUpdat\ e ([:find \$LastSessionUpdate \" \"]+1) [:len \$LastSessionUpdate]]-[/syst\ em clock get gmt-offset])\r\ \n \r\ \n# if last update is more then Timeout seconds ago then close session and\ \_log it\r\ \n:if (\$SessionTimeout > \$Timeout) do={\r\ \n/tool user-manager session remove numbers=\$i\r\ \n:log warning (\" Removed false active session Username is \" . [/tool u\ ser-manager session get \$i user]);\r\ \n}\r\ \n}" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_config owner=admin policy=read \ source=":put \"tg: Load config\"\r\ \n\r\ \n:local config {\r\ \n\r\ \n\"botAPI\"=\"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\";\r\ \n\"defaultChatID\"=\"1299622755\";\r\ \n\"trusted\"=\"1299622755,752105464\";\r\ \n\"storage\"=\"\";\r\ \n\"timeout\"=1;\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \nreturn \$config" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_getUpdates owner=admin policy=read \ source=":global TGLASTMSGID\r\ \n:global TGLASTUPDID\r\ \n\r\ \n:local fconfig [:parse [/system script get tg_config source]]\r\ \n:local http [:parse [/system script get func_fetch source]]\r\ \n:local gkey [:parse [/system script get tg_getkey source]]\r\ \n:local send [:parse [/system script get tg_sendMessage source]]\r\ \n\r\ \n:local cfg [\$fconfig]\r\ \n:local trusted [:toarray (\$cfg->\"trusted\")]\r\ \n:local botID (\$cfg->\"botAPI\")\r\ \n:local storage (\$cfg->\"storage\")\r\ \n:local timeout (\$cfg->\"timeout\")\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \"cfg=\$cfg\"\r\ \n:put \"trusted=\$trusted\"\r\ \n:put \"botID=\$botID\"\r\ \n:put \"storage=\$storage\"\r\ \n:put \"timeout=\$timeout\"\r\ \n\r\ \n:local file (\$storage.\"tg_get_updates.txt\")\r\ \n:local logfile (\$storage.\"tg_fetch_log.txt\")\r\ \n#get 1 message per time\r\ \n:local url (\"\".\$botID.\"/getUpdates\?time\ out=\$timeout&limit=1\")\r\ \n:if ([:len \$TGLASTUPDID]>0) do={\r\ \n :set url \"\$url&offset=\$(\$TGLASTUPDID+1)\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \"Reading updates...\"\r\ \n:local res [\$http dst-path=\$file url=\$url resfile=\$logfile]\r\ \n:if (\$res!=\"success\") do={\r\ \n :put \"Error getting updates\"\r\ \n return \"Failed get updates\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:put \"Finished to read updates.\"\r\ \n\r\ \n:local content [/file get [/file find name=\$file] contents]\r\ \n\r\ \n:local msgid [\$gkey key=\"message_id\" text=\$content]\r\ \n:if (\$msgid=\"\") do={ \r\ \n :put \"No new updates\"\r\ \n :return 0 \r\ \n}\r\ \n:set TGLASTMSGID \$msgid\r\ \n\r\ \n:local updid [\$gkey key=\"update_id\" text=\$content]\r\ \n:set TGLASTUPDID \$updid\r\ \n\r\ \n:local fromid [\$gkey block=\"from\" key=\"id\" text=\$content]\r\ \n:local username [\$gkey block=\"from\" key=\"username\" text=\$content]\ \r\ \n:local firstname [\$gkey block=\"from\" key=\"first_name\" text=\$conten\ t]\r\ \n:local lastname [\$gkey block=\"from\" key=\"last_name\" text=\$content]\ \r\ \n:local chatid [\$gkey block=\"chat\" key=\"id\" text=\$content]\r\ \n:local chattext [\$gkey block=\"chat\" key=\"text\" text=\$content]\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \"message id=\$msgid\"\r\ \n:put \"update id=\$updid\"\r\ \n:put \"from id=\$fromid\"\r\ \n:put \"first name=\$firstname\"\r\ \n:put \"last name=\$lastname\"\r\ \n:put \"username=\$username\"\r\ \n:local name \"\$firstname \$lastname\"\r\ \n:if ([:len \$name]<2) do {\r\ \n :set name \$username\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \"in chat=\$chatid\"\r\ \n:put \"command=\$chattext\"\r\ \n\r\ \n:local allowed ( [:type [:find \$trusted \$fromid]]!=\"nil\" or [:type [\ :find \$trusted \$chatid]]!=\"nil\")\r\ \n:if (!\$allowed) do={\r\ \n :put \"Unknown sender, keep silence\"\r\ \n :return -1\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:local cmd \"\"\r\ \n:local params \"\"\r\ \n:local ltext [:len \$chattext]\r\ \n\r\ \n:local pos [:find \$chattext \" \"]\r\ \n:if ([:type \$pos]=\"nil\") do={\r\ \n :set cmd [:pick \$chattext 1 \$ltext]\r\ \n} else={\r\ \n :set cmd [:pick \$chattext 1 \$pos]\r\ \n :set params [:pick \$chattext (\$pos+1) \$ltext]\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:local pos [:find \$cmd \"@\"]\r\ \n:if ([:type \$pos]!=\"nil\") do={\r\ \n :set cmd [:pick \$cmd 0 \$pos]\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \"cmd=<\$cmd>\"\r\ \n:put \"params=<\$params>\"\r\ \n\r\ \n:global TGLASTCMD \$cmd\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \"Try to invoke external script tg_cmd_\$cmd\"\r\ \n:local script [:parse [/system script get \"tg_cmd_\$cmd\" source]]\r\ \n\$script params=\$params chatid=\$chatid from=\$name" add dont-require-permissions=no name=func_fetch owner=admin policy=\ ftp,read,write,policy,test source="#######################################\ ##################\r\ \n# Wrapper for /tools fetch\r\ \n# Input:\r\ \n# mode\r\ \n# upload=yes/no\r\ \n# user\r\ \n# password\r\ \n# address\r\ \n# host\r\ \n# httpdata\r\ \n# httpmethod\r\ \n# check-certificate\r\ \n# src-path\r\ \n# dst-path\r\ \n# ascii=yes/no\r\ \n# url\r\ \n# resfile\r\ \n\r\ \n:local res \"fetchresult.txt\"\r\ \n:if ([:len \$resfile]>0) do={:set res \$resfile}\r\ \n#:put \$res\r\ \n\r\ \n:local cmd \"/tool fetch\"\r\ \n:if ([:len \$mode]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd mode=\$mode\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$upload]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd upload=\$upload\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$user]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd user=\\\"\$user\\\"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$password]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd password=\\\"\$password\\\ \"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$address]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd address=\\\"\$address\\\"\ \"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$host]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd host=\\\"\$host\\\"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$\"http-data\"]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd http-data=\\\"\$\"ht\ tp-data\"\\\"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$\"http-method\"]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd http-method=\\\"\$\ \"http-method\"\\\"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$\"check-certificate\"]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd check-certif\ icate=\\\"\$\"check-certificate\"\\\"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$\"src-path\"]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd src-path=\\\"\$\"src-\ path\"\\\"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$\"dst-path\"]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd dst-path=\\\"\$\"dst-\ path\"\\\"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$ascii]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd ascii=\\\"\$ascii\\\"\"}\r\ \n:if ([:len \$url]>0) do={:set cmd \"\$cmd url=\\\"\$url\\\"\"}\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \">> \$cmd\"\r\ \n\r\ \n:global FETCHRESULT\r\ \n:set FETCHRESULT \"none\"\r\ \n\r\ \n:local script \"\\\r\ \n :global FETCHRESULT;\\\r\ \n :do {\\\r\ \n \$cmd;\\\r\ \n :set FETCHRESULT \\\"success\\\";\\\r\ \n } on-error={\\\r\ \n :set FETCHRESULT \\\"failed\\\";\\\r\ \n }\\\r\ \n\"\r\ \n:execute script=\$script file=\$res\r\ \n:local cnt 0\r\ \n#:put \"\$cnt -> \$FETCHRESULT\"\r\ \n:while (\$cnt<100 and \$FETCHRESULT=\"none\") do={ \r\ \n :delay 1s\r\ \n :set \$cnt (\$cnt+1)\r\ \n #:put \"\$cnt -> \$FETCHRESULT\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:local content [/file get [find name=\$res] content]\r\ \n#:put \$content\r\ \nif (\$content~\"finished\") do={:return \"success\"}\r\ \n:return \$FETCHRESULT" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_getkey owner=admin policy=read \ source=":local cur 0\r\ \n:local lkey [:len \$key]\r\ \n:local res \"\"\r\ \n:local p\r\ \n\r\ \n:if ([:len \$block]>0) do={\r\ \n :set p [:find \$text \$block \$cur]\r\ \n :if ([:type \$p]=\"nil\") do={\r\ \n :return \$res\r\ \n }\r\ \n :set cur (\$p+[:len \$block]+2)\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:set p [:find \$text \$key \$cur]\r\ \n:if ([:type \$p]!=\"nil\") do={\r\ \n :set cur (\$p+lkey+2)\r\ \n :set p [:find \$text \",\" \$cur]\r\ \n :if ([:type \$p]!=\"nil\") do={\r\ \n if ([:pick \$text \$cur]=\"\\\"\") do={\r\ \n :set res [:pick \$text (\$cur+1) (\$p-1)]\r\ \n } else={\r\ \n :set res [:pick \$text \$cur \$p]\r\ \n }\r\ \n } \r\ \n}\r\ \n:return \$res" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_sendMessage owner=admin policy=read \ source=":local fconfig [:parse [/system script get tg_config source]]\r\ \n\r\ \n:local cfg [\$fconfig]\r\ \n:local chatID (\$cfg->\"defaultChatID\")\r\ \n:local botID (\$cfg->\"botAPI\")\r\ \n:local storage (\$cfg->\"storage\")\r\ \n\r\ \n:if ([:len \$chat]>0) do={:set chatID \$chat}\r\ \n\r\ \n:local url \"\$botID/sendmessage\?chat_id=\$\ chatID&text=\$text\"\r\ \n:if ([:len \$mode]>0) do={:set url (\$url.\"&parse_mode=\$mode\")}\r\ \n\r\ \n:local file (\$tgStorage.\"tg_get_updates.txt\")\r\ \n:local logfile (\$tgStorage.\"tg_fetch_log.txt\")\r\ \n\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\$url keep-result=no" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_cpu owner=admin policy=read \ source=":local send [:parse [/system script get tg_sendMessage source]]\r\ \n:local hotspot [:len [/ip hotspot active find]]\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \$params\r\ \n:put \$chatid\r\ \n:put \$from\r\ \n \r\ \n:local text \"Router Id:* \$[/system identity get name] * %0A\\\r\ \nUptime: _\$[/system resource get uptime]_%0A\\\r\ \nCPU Load: _\$[/system resource get cpu-load]%_%0A \\\r\ \nRAM: _\$(([/system resource get total-memory]-[/system resource get free\ -memory])/(1024*1024))M/\$([/system resource get total-memory]/(1024*1024)\ )M_%0A\\\r\ \nVoltage: _\$[:pick [/system health get voltage] 0 2]V_%0A\\\r\ \nTemp: _\$[ /system health get temperature]C_\"\r\ \n \r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=\$text mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n:return true" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_hi owner=admin policy=read \ source=":local send [:parse [/system script get tg_sendMessage source]]\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \$params\r\ \n:put \$chatid\r\ \n:put \$from\r\ \n\r\ \n:local text \"Router Id:* \$[/system identity get name] * %0A\\\r\ \n==================%0A\\\r\ \nPerintah%0A\\\r\ \n==================%0A\\\r\ \n/u%0A\\\r\ \n/dhcp%0A\\\r\ \n/cpu%0A\\\r\ \n/hotspot%0A\\\r\ \n/ping%0A\\\r\ \n/public%0A\\\r\ \n/PoeAdd%0A\\\r\ \n/dialing%0A\\\r\ \n/eHotspot%0A\\\r\ \n/dHotspot%0A\\\r\ \n/force%0A\\\r\ \n/reboot\"\r\ \n \r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=\$text mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n:return true" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_hotspot owner=admin policy=read \ source=":local send [:parse [/system script get tg_sendMessage source]]\r\ \n:local param1 [:pick \$params 0 [:find \$params \" \"]]\r\ \n:local param2 [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$params]\ ]\r\ \n:local param3 [:pick [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$\ params]] ([:find [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$params\ ]] \" \"]+1) [:len [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$para\ ms]]]]\r\ \n:if ([:len [:find \$param2 \" \"]]>0) do={\r\ \n\t:set param2 [:pick [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$\ params]] 0 [:find [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$param\ s]] \" \"]]\r\ \n} else={\r\ \n\t:set param3 \"\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \$params\r\ \n:put \$param1\r\ \n:put \$param2\r\ \n:put \$param3\r\ \n:put \$chatid\r\ \n:put \$from\r\ \n\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"add\") do={\r\ \n/ip hotspot user add name=\$param2 password=\$param3 profile=default \r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"Username: \$param2 Password: \$param3 Berha\ sil dibuat...\") mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"delete\") do={\r\ \n/ip hotspot user remove [find name=\$param2]\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"User: \$param2 Berhasil dihapus\") mode=\"M\ arkdown\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"disable\") do={\r\ \n/ip hotspot user disable [find name=\$param2]\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"User: \$param2 Berhasil di disable\") mode=\ \"Markdown\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"enable\") do={\r\ \n/ip hotspot user enable [find name=\$param2]\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"User: \$param2 Berhasil di enable\") mode=\ \"Markdown\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"setprofil\") do={\r\ \n/ip hotspot user set profile=\$param3 [find name=\$param2]\r\ \n/ip hotspot active remove [find name=\$param2]\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"User: \$param2 Berhasil diganti profile men\ jadi \$param3...\") mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"pasword\") do={\r\ \n/ip hotspot user set password=\$param3 [find name=\$param2]\r\ \n/ip hotspot active remove [find name=\$param2]\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"User: \$param2 pasword diganti menjadi \$pa\ ram3...\") mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$params=\"print\") do={\r\ \n:local output\r\ \n:foreach activeIndex in=[/ip hotspot active find] do={\r\ \n:local activeUser (\"*Username:* \".[/ip hotspot active get value-name=\ \"user\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:local activeAddress (\"*Address:* \".[/ip hotspot active get value-name\ =\"address\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:local activeMACAddr (\"*MAC Address:* \".[/ip hotspot active get value-\ name=\"mac-address\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:local activeLoginBy (\"*Login by:* \".[/ip hotspot active get value-nam\ e=\"login-by\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:local activeUptime (\"*Uptime:* \".[/ip hotspot active get value-name=\ \"uptime\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:set output (\$output.\$activeUser.\$activeAddress.\$activeMACAddr.\$act\ iveUptime.\$activeLoginBy.\"%0A\")\r\ \n}\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"\$output\") mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"user\") do={\r\ \n:local output\r\ \n:foreach activeIndex in=[/ip hotspot user find profile=\$param2] do={\r\ \n:local user (\"*Username:* \".[/ip hotspot user get value-name=\"name\" \ \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:local password (\"*Password:* \".[/ip hotspot user get value-name=\"pas\ sword\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:local uptime (\"*Uptime:* \".[/ip hotspot user get value-name=\"uptime\ \" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:set output (\$output.\$user.\$password.\$uptime.\"%0A\")\r\ \n}\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"\$output\") mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n}" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_public owner=admin policy=read \ source=":local public;\r\ \n\ \n:local status;\ \n\r\ \n:local ddns;\r\ \n\ \n:set public [/ip cloud get public-address];\r\ \n\ \n:set ddns [/ip cloud get dns-name];\r\ \n\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=DDNS : \$ddns : \ IP Public : \$public \" keep-result=no" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_ping owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":\ local send [:parse [/system script get tg_sendMessage source]]\r\ \n:put \$params\r\ \n:put \$chatid\r\ \n:put \$from\r\ \n#Ping Variables\r\ \n:local avgRtt;\r\ \n:local pin\r\ \n:local pout\r\ \n:local datetime \"\$[/system clock get date] \$[/system clock get time]\ \"\r\ \n#Ping it real good\r\ \n/tool flood-ping count=10 do={\r\ \n \r\ \n:if (\$sent = 10) do={\r\ \n \r\ \n:set avgRtt \$\"avg-rtt\"\r\ \n \r\ \n:set pout \$sent\r\ \n \r\ \n:set pin \$received\r\ \n }\r\ \n\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:local ploss (100 - ((\$pin * 100) / \$pout))\r\ \n\r\ \n:local logmsg (\"Ping Average for - \".[:tostr \$avgRtt].\"ms - \ packet loss: \".[:tostr \$ploss].\"%\")\r\ \n\r\ \n:log info \$logmsg\r\ \n\r\ \n:local text \"Router Id:* \$[/system identity get name] * %0A\\\r\ \nTanggal : _\$datetime_%0A\\\r\ \nPing : _8.8.8.8_%0A\\\r\ \nLog : _\$logmsg_\"\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=\$text mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n:return true" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_dialing owner=admin policy=\ read,write source="/tool fetch url=\"\ 2:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text\ =Dialing....\" keep-result=no\r\ \n:delay 1\r\ \n/interface pppoe-client enable pppoe-indihome\r\ \n:delay 5\r\ \n/ip cloud force-update" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_dHotspot owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="/\ ip hotspot disable hotspot\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=Hotspot Disable\ \" keep-result=no" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_eHotspot owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="/\ ip hotspot enable hotspot\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=Hotspot Enable\"\ \_keep-result=no" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_force owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="/\ ip cloud force-update\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=Force Update DDN\ S\" keep-result=no" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_PoeAdd owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":\ local satu ([/interface pppoe-client monitor pppoe-indihome as-value]-> st\ atus);\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\ 1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A/sendMessage\?chat_id=1299622755&text=\$satu\" keep-re\ sult=no\r\ \n\r\ \n\r\ \n" add dont-require-permissions=no name=hapusLogUserman owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":\ foreach i in=[/tool user-manager session find] do={\ \n\r\ \n:log warning \"delete session user \$[/tool user-manager session get \$i\ \_user]\"\ \n\r\ \n/tool user-manager session remove \$i\ \n\r\ \n}\r\ \n\ \n:log info \"====== delete log session user hotspot selesai!..=====\"" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_u owner=admin policy=read source="\ :local send [:parse [/system script get tg_sendMessage source]]\r\ \n:local param1 [:pick \$params 0 [:find \$params \" \"]]\r\ \n:local param2 [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$params]\ ]\r\ \n:local param3 [:pick [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$\ params]] ([:find [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$params\ ]] \" \"]+1) [:len [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$para\ ms]]]]\r\ \n:if ([:len [:find \$param2 \" \"]]>0) do={\r\ \n\t:set param2 [:pick [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$\ params]] 0 [:find [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$param\ s]] \" \"]]\r\ \n} else={\r\ \n\t:set param3 \"\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \$params\r\ \n:put \$param1\r\ \n:put \$param2\r\ \n:put \$param3\r\ \n:put \$chatid\r\ \n:put \$from\r\ \n\r\ \n:local text \"Router Id:* \$[/system identity get name] * %0A\\\r\ \n==================%0A\\\r\ \nPerintah%0A\\\r\ \n==================%0A\\\r\ \n/u%0A\\\r\ \n/u all%0A\\\r\ \n/u nama pass paket%0A\\\r\ \n/u ubah nama paket%0A\\\r\ \n/u hapus nama%0A\\\r\ \n/u logout nama || /u keluar IP%0A%0A\\\r\ \nJenis paket:%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 500 MB%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 1 GB%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 1 jam%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 3 jam%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 5 jam%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 1 hari%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 1 Minggu%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 1 Bulan%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 1 Bulan min%0A\\\r\ \n- Paket 1 Bulan max%0A\\\r\ \n==================%0A\"\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"\$text\") mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n\r\ \n:local output\r\ \n\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"hapus\") do={\r\ \n\t:local username \"\$param2\"\r\ \n\t/tool user-manager user remove numbers=\"\$username\";\r\ \n\t/ip hotspot active remove [find user=\"\$username\"];\r\ \n\t:set output (\"%0AUser: \$param2 %0ABerhasil dihapus\")\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"logout\") do={\r\ \n\t:local username \"\$param2\";\r\ \n\t:local activeKuota (\"Kuota: \".[((([/ip hotspot active get [find user\ =\"\$param2\"] limit-bytes-in])-([/ip hotspot active get [find user=\"\$pa\ ram2\"] bytes-in]))/1048576)].\" Mb / \".[((([/ip hotspot active get [find\ \_user=\"\$param2\"] limit-bytes-out])-([/ip hotspot active get [find user\ =\"\$param2\"] bytes-out]))/1048576)].\" Mb || \")\r\ \n\t:local activeTime (\"Sisa waktu: \".[/ip hotspot active get [find user\ =\"\$param2\"] session-time-left])\r\ \n\t:set output (\"%0AUser: \$param2 || Berhasil logout secara paksa%0A\$a\ ctiveKuota\$activeTime\")\r\ \n\t/ip hotspot active remove [find user=\"\$username\"];\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$param1=\"keluar\") do={\r\ \n\t:local address \"\$param2\";\r\ \n\t:local activeUser ([/ip hotspot active get value-name=\"user\" [find a\ ddress=\"\$param2\"]])\r\ \n\t:set output (\"%0AUser: \$activeUser || IP: \$param2 || Berhasil dikel\ uarkan secara paksa%0A\$activeKuota\$activeTime\")\r\ \n\t/ip hotspot active remove [find address=\"\$param2\"];\r\ \n}\r\ \n:if (\$params=\"all\") do={\r\ \n\t:foreach activeIndex in=[/tool user-manager user find] do={\r\ \n\t :local activeUser (\"- *Username:* \".[/tool user-manager user get va\ lue-name=\"username\" \$activeIndex].\" || \")\r\ \n\t :local activePaket (\"- *Paket:* \".[/tool user-manager user get valu\ e-name=\"actual-profile\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n\t :set output (\$output.\$activeUser.\$activePaket.\"%0A\")\r\ \n\t}\r\ \n} \r\ \n:if ([:len \$param3] > 0) do={\r\ \n :if (\$param1=\"ubah\") do={\r\ \n\t:local username \"\$param2\"\r\ \n\t:local paket \"\$param3\"\r\ \n\t:local pakethabis \"\$param3 habis\"\r\ \n\t/tool user-manager user clear-profiles numbers=\$username;\r\ \n\t:if ((\$param3=\"Paket 500 MB\") || (\$param3=\"Paket 1 GB\")) do={\r\ \n\t /tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"\$paket\ \" customer=admin numbers=\$username;\r\ \n\t} else={\r\ \n\t /tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"\$paket\ habis\" customer=admin numbers=\$username;\r\ \n\t}\r\ \n\t:set output (\"%0AUsername: \$username %0APerubahan paket menjadi:%0A\ \$paket%0ASilahkan kunjungi\")\r\ \n } else={ \r\ \n\t:local username \"\$param1\"\r\ \n\t:local password \"\$param2\"\r\ \n\t:local paket \"\$param3\"\r\ \n\t:local pakethabis \"\$param3 habis\"\r\ \n\t/tool user-manager user add username=\$username password=\$password cu\ stomer=admin;\r\ \n\t/tool user-manager user clear-profiles numbers=\$username;\r\ \n\t:if ((\$param3=\"Paket 500 MB\") || (\$param3=\"Paket 1 GB\")) do={\r\ \n\t /tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"\$paket\ \" customer=admin numbers=\$username;\r\ \n\t} else={\r\ \n\t /tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile profile=\"\$paket\ habis\" customer=admin numbers=\$username;\r\ \n\t}\r\ \n\t:set output (\"%0AUsername: \$username%0APassword: \$password%0A\$pake\ t%0ASilahkan kunjungi\")\r\ \n }\r\ \n}\r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"\$output\") mode=\"Markdown\"\r\ \n:return true " add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_dhcp owner=admin policy=read \ source=":local send [:parse [/system script get tg_sendMessage source]]\r\ \n\r\ \n:put \$chatid\r\ \n:put \$from\r\ \n\r\ \n:local output\r\ \n\r\ \n:foreach activeIndex in=[/ip dhcp-server lease find] do={\r\ \n:local activeAdr (\"*Address:* \".[/ip dhcp-server lease get value-name=\ \"address\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:local activeMac (\"*Mac-Address:* \".[/ip dhcp-server lease get value-n\ ame=\"mac-address\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n#:local activeHost (\"*Host-name:* \".[/ip dhcp-server lease get value-n\ ame=\"host-name\" \$activeIndex].\"%0A\")\r\ \n:set output (\$output.\$activeAdr.\$activeMac.\$activeHost.\"%0A\")\r\ \n}\r\ \n \r\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"\$output\") mode=\"Markdown\"" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_host owner=admin policy=read \ source=":local send [:parse [/system script get tg_sendMessage source]]\ \n:local param1 [:pick \$params 0 [:find \$params \" \"]]\ \n:local param2 [:pick \$params ([:find \$params \" \"]+1) [:len \$params]\ ]\ \n\ \n:put \$params\ \n:put \$param1\ \n:put \$param2\ \n:put \$chatid\ \n:put \$from\ \n\ \n:local headEr (\"Perintah: /host black IP | /host aktif IP%0A *Add\ ress* || *To Address* || *MAC Address* ||\")\ \n:local output \ \n:foreach activeIndex in=[/ip hotspot host find] do={\ \n:local activeAddress ([/ip hotspot host get value-name=\"address\" \$act\ iveIndex])\ \n:local activeToAddress ([/ip hotspot host get value-name=\"to-address\" \ \$activeIndex])\ \n:local activeMACAddr ([/ip hotspot host get value-name=\"mac-address\" \ \$activeIndex].\" || \")\ \n:set output (\$output.\$activeAddress.\" || \".\$activeToAddress.\" || \ \".\$activeMACAddr.\"%0A\")\ \n:if (([:len [/ip hotspot active find address=\"\$activeToAddress\"]] = 0\ ) && ([:len [/ip hotspot ip-binding find to-address=\"\$activeToAddress\"]\ ] = 0) && ([:len [/ip firewall address-list find list=\"blackIP\" address=\ \"\$activeToAddress\"]] = 0)) do={\ \n/ip firewall address-list add list=\"blackIP\" address=\"\$activeToAddre\ ss\" timeout=\"30d\";\ \n}\ \n}\ \n:local actived\ \n:foreach activeIndex2 in=[/ip hotspot active find] do={\ \n:local activeUser ([/ip hotspot active get value-name=\"user\" \$activeI\ ndex2])\ \n:local activeAddress ([/ip hotspot active get value-name=\"address\" \$a\ ctiveIndex2].\" || \")\ \n:local activeMACAddr ([/ip hotspot active get value-name=\"mac-address\"\ \_\$activeIndex2].\"%0A\")\ \n:local activeLoginBy (\"*Login by:* \".[/ip hotspot active get value-nam\ e=\"login-by\" \$activeIndex2].\" || \")\ \n:local activeUptime (\"*Uptime:* \".[/ip hotspot active get value-name=\ \"uptime\" \$activeIndex2].\" - \".[/tool user-manager user get [find user\ name=\"\$activeUser\"] uptime-used].\"%0A\")\ \n:local activeKuota (\"*Kuota:* \".[((([/ip hotspot active get value-name\ =\"limit-bytes-in\" \$activeIndex2])-([/ip hotspot active get value-name=\ \"bytes-in\" \$activeIndex2]))/1048576)].\" Mb / \".[((([/ip hotspot activ\ e get value-name=\"limit-bytes-out\" \$activeIndex2])-([/ip hotspot active\ \_get value-name=\"bytes-out\" \$activeIndex2]))/1048576)].\" Mb%0A\")\ \n:set actived (\$actived.\$activeUser.\" || \".\$activeAddress.\$activeMA\ CAddr.\$activeLoginBy.\$activeUptime.\$activeKuota.\"%0A\")\ \n}\ \n:local blackList\ \n:foreach activeIndex2 in=[/ip firewall address-list find list=\"blackIP\ \"] do={\ \n:local activeAddress ([/ip firewall address-list get value-name=\"addres\ s\" \$activeIndex2])\ \n:set blackList (\$blackList.\$activeAddress.\"%0A\")\ \n}\ \n\ \n:local blackIPKu\ \n:if (\$param1=\"black\") do={\ \n:local blackIP \"\$param2\"\ \n/ip firewall address-list add list=\"blackIP\" address=\"\$blackIP\" tim\ eout=\"30d\";\ \n:set blackIPKu (\"%0A\$blackIP sudah masuk Daftar BlackIP%0A\")\ \n}\ \n:if (\$param1=\"aktif\") do={\ \n:if (\$param2=\"all\") do={\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find list=\"blackIP\"];\ \n:set blackIPKu (\"%0ASemua sudah aktif dan keluar Daftar BlackIP%0A\")\ \n} else={\ \n:local blackIP \"\$param2\"\ \n/ip firewall address-list remove [find address=\"\$blackIP\"];\ \n:set blackIPKu (\"%0A\$blackIP sudah aktif dan keluar Daftar BlackIP%0A\ \")\ \n}\ \n}\ \n\ \n\$send chat=\$chatid text=(\"*HOST*%0A\$headEr%0A\$output---------------\ ------------%0A*BLACK LIST*%0A\$blackList%0A\$blackIPKu%0A----------------\ -----------%0A*ACTIVE*%0A\$actived\") mode=\"Markdown\"" add dont-require-permissions=no name=logMikrotik owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="#\ \_BEGIN SETUP\r\ \n:local scheduleName \"logMikrotik\"\r\ \nlocal bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \nlocal ChatID \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local startBuf [:toarray [/log find message~\"Masuk\" || message~\"Gaga\ l masuk\"]]\r\ \n:local removeThese {\"telnet\";\"Ada yang pakai telnet\"}\r\ \n# END SETUP\r\ \n\r\ \n# warn if schedule does not exist\r\ \n:if ([:len [/system scheduler find name=\"\$scheduleName\"]] = 0) do={\r\ \n /log warning \"[LOGMON] ERROR: Schedule does not exist. Create schedul\ e and edit script to match name\"\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n# get last time\r\ \n:local lastTime [/system scheduler get [find name=\"\$scheduleName\"] co\ mment]\r\ \n# for checking time of each log entry\r\ \n:local currentTime\r\ \n# log message\r\ \n:local message\r\ \n \r\ \n# final output\r\ \n:local output\r\ \n\r\ \n:local keepOutput false\r\ \n# if lastTime is empty, set keepOutput to true\r\ \n:if ([:len \$lastTime] = 0) do={\r\ \n :set keepOutput true\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \n:local counter 0\r\ \n# loop through all log entries that have been found\r\ \n:foreach i in=\$startBuf do={\r\ \n \r\ \n# loop through all removeThese array items\r\ \n :local keepLog true\r\ \n :foreach j in=\$removeThese do={\r\ \n# if this log entry contains any of them, it will be ignored\r\ \n :if ([/log get \$i message] ~ \"\$j\") do={\r\ \n :set keepLog false\r\ \n }\r\ \n }\r\ \n :if (\$keepLog = true) do={\r\ \n \r\ \n :set message [/log get \$i message]\r\ \n\r\ \n# LOG DATE\r\ \n# depending on log date/time, the format may be different. 3 known for\ mats\r\ \n# format of jan/01/2002 00:00:00 which shows up at unknown date/time. \ Using as default\r\ \n :set currentTime [ /log get \$i time ]\r\ \n# format of 00:00:00 which shows up on current day's logs\r\ \n :if ([:len \$currentTime] = 8 ) do={\r\ \n :set currentTime ([:pick [/system clock get date] 0 11].\" \".\$cur\ rentTime)\r\ \n } else={\r\ \n# format of jan/01 00:00:00 which shows up on previous day's logs\r\ \n :if ([:len \$currentTime] = 15 ) do={\r\ \n :set currentTime ([:pick \$currentTime 0 6].\"/\".[:pick [/syste\ m clock get date] 7 11].\" \".[:pick \$currentTime 7 15])\r\ \n }\r\ \n }\r\ \n \r\ \n# if keepOutput is true, add this log entry to output\r\ \n :if (\$keepOutput = true) do={\r\ \n :set output (\$output.\$currentTime.\" %0A\".\$message.\"\\r\\n\")\ \r\ \n }\r\ \n\r\ \n :if (\$currentTime = \$lastTime) do={\r\ \n :set keepOutput true\r\ \n :set output \"\"\r\ \n }\r\ \n }\r\ \n :if (\$counter = ([:len \$startBuf]-1)) do={\r\ \n :if (\$keepOutput = false) do={ \r\ \n :if ([:len \$message] > 0) do={\r\ \n :set output (\$output.\$currentTime.\" %0A\".\$message.\"\\r\\n\ \")\r\ \n }\r\ \n }\r\ \n }\r\ \n :set counter (\$counter + 1)\r\ \n}\r\ \n\r\ \nif ([:len \$output] > 0) do={\r\ \n /system scheduler set [find name=\"\$scheduleName\"] comment=\$current\ Time\r\ \n /tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\?chat_\ id=\$ChatID&text=MikroTik alert \$currentTime :%0A\$output\" keep-result=n\ o;\r\ \n}" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_reboot owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=\ "/system reboot" add dont-require-permissions=no name=tg_cmd_off owner=admin policy=\ ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=\ "/system shutdown" /tool netwatch add down-script=":local hh \$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n:local com [/tool netwatch get value-name=comment [find host=\$hh] comme\ nt];\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$com \$hh OFF \\E2\\9D\\8C \" keep-r\ esult=no" host= interval=10s timeout=500ms up-script=":local hh\ \_\$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$hh ON \\E2\\9C\\85\" keep-result=no\ " add down-script=":local hh \$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n:local com [/tool netwatch get value-name=comment [find host=\$hh] comme\ nt];\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$com \$hh OFF \\E2\\9D\\8C \" keep-r\ esult=no" host= interval=10s timeout=500ms up-script=":local\ \_hh \$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$hh ON \\E2\\9C\\85\" keep-result=no\ " add down-script=":local hh \$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n:local com [/tool netwatch get value-name=comment [find host=\$hh] comme\ nt];\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$com \$hh OFF \\E2\\9D\\8C \" keep-r\ esult=no" host= interval=10s timeout=500ms up-script=":local hh\ \_\$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$hh ON \\E2\\9C\\85\" keep-result=no\ " add down-script=":local hh \$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n:local com [/tool netwatch get value-name=comment [find host=\$hh] comme\ nt];\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$com \$hh OFF \\E2\\9D\\8C \" keep-r\ esult=no" host= interval=10s timeout=500ms up-script=":local h\ h \$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$hh ON \\E2\\9C\\85\" keep-result=no\ " add down-script=":local hh \$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n:local com [/tool netwatch get value-name=comment [find host=\$hh] comme\ nt];\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$com \$hh OFF \\E2\\9D\\8C \" keep-r\ esult=no" host= interval=10s timeout=500ms up-script=":local hh\ \_\$host\r\ \n:local bot \"1391417232:AAGBb6wRz6nfzpP1F2NoDlceC_FkCwVNe5A\"\r\ \n:local chat \"1299622755\"\r\ \n:local datetime \"Tanggal: \$[/system clock get date] %0AJam: \$[/system\ \_clock get time]\"\r\ \n/tool fetch url=\"\$bot/sendmessage\\\?chat_\ id=\$chat&text=\$datetime %0ARouter: \$hh ON \\E2\\9C\\85\" keep-result=no\ " /tool user-manager database set db-path=user-manager /tool user-manager profile profile-limitation add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 GB" profile="Paket 1 GB" till-time=\ 23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation=admin profile=admin till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 500 MB" profile="Paket 500 MB" till-time=\ 23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 jam habis" profile="Paket 1 jam" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 jam" profile="Paket 1 jam habis" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 3 jam habis" profile="Paket 3 jam" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 3 jam" profile="Paket 3 jam habis" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 5 jam habis" profile="Paket 5 jam" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 5 jam" profile="Paket 5 jam habis" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 hari habis" profile="Paket 1 hari" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 hari" profile="Paket 1 hari habis" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 Minggu habis" profile="Paket 1 Minggu" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 Minggu" profile="Paket 1 Minggu habis" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 Bulan habis" profile="Paket 1 Bulan" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 Bulan" profile="Paket 1 Bulan habis" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 Bulan min habis" profile=\ "Paket 1 Bulan min" till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 Bulan min" profile=\ "Paket 1 Bulan min habis" till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 Bulan max habis" profile=\ "Paket 1 Bulan max" till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket 1 Bulan max" profile=\ "Paket 1 Bulan max habis" till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket Gratis habis" profile="Paket Gratis" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday add from-time=0s limitation="Paket Gratis" profile="Paket Gratis habis" \ till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\ sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday /tool user-manager router add coa-port=1700 customer=admin disabled=no ip-address= log=\ auth-fail name=Mikrotik shared-secret=10041987nm use-coa=no add coa-port=1700 customer=admin disabled=no ip-address= log=\ auth-fail name=ZTE shared-secret=10041987nm use-coa=no add coa-port=1700 customer=admin disabled=no ip-address= log=\ auth-fail name=iCAL shared-secret=10041987nm use-coa=no add coa-port=1700 customer=admin disabled=no ip-address= log=\ auth-fail name="Mi Wifi" shared-secret=10041987nm use-coa=no /tool user-manager user add customer=admin disabled=no ipv6-dns=:: password=bpk01 shared-users=3 \ username=bapak wireless-enc-algo=none wireless-enc-key="" wireless-psk="" add customer=admin disabled=no ipv6-dns=:: password=10041987nm shared-users=\ unlimited username=admin wireless-enc-algo=none wireless-enc-key="" \ wireless-psk="" add customer=admin disabled=no ipv6-dns=:: password=nada3 shared-users=1 \ username=nada wireless-enc-algo=none wireless-enc-key="" wireless-psk=""