1. Characters
are normally represented as strings of seven bits each in an encoding called ....
a) Word
b) Byte
c) Data
d) Char
2. There
exist several fundamental variable types/ structures available for use (called
type definitions), except ....
a) Integers
b) Float
c) Double
d) Characters
e) Enum
3. A program that takes programs written in a language
like C or C++ and converts them into machine instructions, or assembly language
called ....
a) Code
b) Interpreter
c) Embedded
d) Assembler
e) Compiler
4. In embedded systems, it is common to see the main()
function looped in perpetuity, but for the Arduino IDE discussed later there is
a syntax that allows for the main function to be looped in perpetuity by
default with no added code needed (effectively replacing main() with
…. ).
a) if
b) case
c) main()
d) library
e) loop()
5. A common example is the #include statement,
which allows for additional libraries to be added to the program upon compiling.
A library is additional code that can establish functions for the user of the
library to call upon instead of having to code them themselves. The library
used to defines core input and output functions is ....
a) stddef.h
b) stdint.h
c) stdlib.h
d) string.h
e) stdio.h
6. Embedded
programs (sketches) have two primary loops, they are ....
a) setup()
and loop()
b) close up()
and loop()
c) set() and
d) setup()
and main()
e) main()
and loop()
7. There are
a number of different types of Arduino’s pins. Pins that can read or write
signals that are HIGH or LOW only are ....
a) I2C Ports
b) Serial Ports
c) PWM Pins
d) Analog Pins
e) Digital Pins
8. There are a number of different types of Arduino’s pins. Pins that can
write analog voltages to within the resolution of the DAC are ....
a) PWM Pins
b) Serial Ports
c) I2C Ports
d) Analog Pins
e) Digital Pins
9. A very
useful feature that converts an analog voltage on a pin to a digital number
called ....
a) Analog ground (AGND)
b) Pulse-width modulation (PWM)
c) successive approximation register (SAR)
d) Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
e) Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
10. In essence, by attaching an interrupt to a pin,
whenever that pin moves HIGH, a special type of function is executed, regardless
where the program currently is in the code itself. This function is called an ....
a) Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
b) interrupts
c) Access
d) Accelerometers
e) AC amplifier
11. Clock speed for Arduino Nano with ATMega328 is ....
a) 600 MHz
b) 48 MHz
c) 16 MHz
d) 72 MHz
e) 84 MHz
12. A stepper motor is ....
a) a brushless
DC electric motor that divides a full rotation into a number of equal steps
b) a motor
controlled by a series of electromagnetic coils
c) a device
that can measure the tensile or compressive forces on it
d) an
electrical circuit used to measure
an unknown electrical resistance by balancing two legs of a bridge circuit
e) a and b are true
13. There
are two basic types of stepper motors ....
a) unipolar steppers and multipolar steppers
b) unipolar steppers and bipolar steppers
c) multipolar steppers and bipolar steppers
d) onepolar steppers and bipolar steppers
e) onepolar steppers and multipolar steppers
14. The library used for
controlling stepper motors is ….
a) Stepper.h
b) DallasTemp.h
c) sdfatlib
d) motor.h
e) stdio.h
15. Data that has been sent and received by Arduino is
ASCII. If the Arduino program sends the letter B, the actual data to be sent is
a) 69
b) 68
c) 67
d) 66
e) 65
16. The term for a processor that is capable of carrying
out many instructions each cycle, and it uses a pipelining technique also
called ....
a) RISC processor
b) Multiprocessor
c) Core processor
d) Multicore processor
e) Superscalar processor
17. For software
security, the Flash Program memory space is divided into two sections, there are ….
a) Boot Loader Support and Program
b) Boot Loader Support and Memory
c) Boot Program section and Application
Program section
d) Load Program Memory and Application
Program section
e) Boot
Loader Support and Application Program section
18. The I / O
device connected to the microprocessor is known as ....
a) Peripheral
b) Interface
c) Cassette
d) CRT
e) Floppy
19. 8279 is a
microprocessor that has a programmable keyboard and display interface. This
microprocessor consists of the following parts, except ....
a) Keyboard Section
b) Scan
c) Microprocessor Interface Section
d) Display Section
e) Sensor
20. ATMega16 has four ports named PortA, PortB, PortC, and
PortD. The four ports are bidirectional paths with an internal pull-up option.
Each port has three register bits, namely ...
a) DDxn, I/O,
dan PINxn
b) I/O, PORTxn,
dan PINxn
c) DDxn,
PORTxn, dan I/O
d) DDxn,
PORTxn, dan PINxn
e) DDxn, DDRx,
dan PINxn
21. The circuit that has the function to encode the input
data into number data with a certain format is called ….
a) Multiplexer
b) Decoder
c) Encoder
d) Demultiplexer
e) Counter
22. The logic circuit that is assigned to receive binary inputs and then
activates one of its outputs according to the binary sequence is called ....
a) Encoder
b) Demultiplexer
c) Multiplexer
d) Decoder
e) Counter
23. Function performed of microcomputer
application from exercise equipment is ....
a) Controls the water and spin cycle
b) Accepts key touches and sends IR pulse to base systems
c) Measure speed, distance calories, heart rate, logs
d) Maintains the time, alarm, and display
e) Entertains the user, joystick input, video output
24. For
prototyping ROM is replaced by ..... ROM is essentially used for programming code.
a) RAM
b) ADC
d) DAC
e) CPU
25. A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating
system (OS) intended to serve real-time applications that process data as it
comes in, typically without buffer delays. Key factors in a real-time OS are ....
a) minimal interrupt latency and minimal thread switching
b) minimal
interrupt latency and minimal schedule
c) interrupt handlers and
the scheduler
d) kernel mode and masking interrupts
e) mutex and OS-supervised interprocess messaging
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