Akhirnya bisa tahu juga, waktu tunggu kira-kira dapatnya sekitar tanggal 11-15 bulan berikutnya. Misalnya dari penghasilan bulan mei tanggal 1-30 maka akan masuk Finalized earnings Google Adsense pada tanggal 11 juni seperti gambar di atas.
Secara keseluruhan maka hasilnya bisa dilihat dari dashboard berikut ini
Semoga bisa bersabar kembali menunggu yang bulan-bulan berikutnya.
Having previously discussed about the difference between the Estimated earnings and Finalized earnings and Balances running on Google Adsense Doesn't Increase/Current to Ballance didn't update, the time is now discussed when the balance ad from Youtube into Google Adsense. Based on experience in this picture
Finally get to know also, the waiting time is approximately about possible dates 11-15 next month. For example, income from May 1-30 and will enter Google Adsense earnings Finalized on June 11, as in the picture above.
Overall then the results can be seen from the following dashboard
Hopefully can be patient again waiting for the next months.
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