Monday, April 11, 2016

Membuat Nomor Handphone Verified By Visa (vbv)

There are so many benefits provided if we take advantage of what we got. One is a VISA. Credit or debit card will allow us to travel around the world, both the virtual world or the world of facts. As for my needs this time to verify Neteller account already can be used as deposits which also can be used either online or physically shopping. Please read this to get a Neteller account.
Furthermore, one of the important points that an account can be used is to enable our Visa Cards that are in Indonesia. I take special one card is capable, namely Mandiri Card.
Registration debit Mandiri Bank Online
Registration through Bank Mandiri branches

Complete the form filling opening an account with a document such as the passbook, debit cards and identification cards Mandiri.
Make sure when charging the mobile phone number is active, as well as the email address and inform Customer Service to register your mobile phone number to the service VBV.
Active service after H + 1 (weekdays).

Registration via Internet Banking
Customers Login to Mandiri Internet Banking.

Log in to the Administration menu in the column on the left.
Go to menu Change Mobile Number sub menu under administration.
Enter the number of active cards that will be used to make transactions online shopping website / eCommerce.

Enter the phone number that will be used to make transactions and receive One Time Password (OTP).

Enter the challenge code based token to apply 1.

Registration was successful.
Active service after H + 1 (weekdays).

Banyak sekali manfaat yang diberikan jika kita memanfaatkan apa yang kita punya. Salah satunya adalah VISA. Kartu debit atau kredit ini akan membuat kita bisa berkeliling dunia, baik dunia maya ataupun dunia fakta. Adapun keperluan saya kali ini untuk verifikasi Akun Neteller yang sudah bisa dijadikan simpanan yang sekaligus bisa digunakan baik online ataupun belanja secara fisik. Silahkan baca ini untuk mendapatkan akun Neteller.
Selanjutnya salah satu poin penting agar akun bisa digunakan yaitu dengan mengaktifkan Kartu Visa kita yang berada di Indonesia. Saya ambil khusus satu kartu yang capable, yaitu Mandiri Card.
Pendaftaran melalui Cabang Bank Mandiri
  1. Mengisi fomulir pembukaan rekening dengan membawa dokumen seperti buku tabungan, kartu mandiri debit dan kartu identitas.
  2. Pastikan ketika melakukan pengisian nomor handphone adalah yang aktif, begitu pula dengan alamat email dan menginformasikan kepada Customer Service untuk mendaftarkan nomor handphone ke layanan VbV.
  3. Layanan aktif setelah H+1 (hari kerja).

Pendaftaran melalui Internet Banking
  • Nasabah Login ke Mandiri Internet Banking.
  • Masuk ke menu Administrasi pada kolom disebelah kiri.
  • Masuk ke menu Ubah Nomor Handphone dibawah sub menu administrasi.
  • Masukan nomor kartu aktif yang akan dipergunakan untuk melakukan transaksi belanja di website online/eCommerce.
  • Masukan nomor HP yg akan dipergunakan untuk melakukan transaksi dan menerima One Time Password (OTP).
  • Masukan challenge code berdasarkan token dengan apply 1.
  • Pendaftaran berhasil.
  • Layanan aktif setelah H+1 (hari kerja).

1 comment:

  1. Neteller is world largest Payment getaway and maximum people are facing problem to verified Neteller Account for proper documents problem. Neteller  Virtual Master Card is also famous for various payment processing purpose. If you have don't know about Neteller or don't have enough documents for verified Neteller Account then you can buy verified neteller account also or you can buy verified skrill account as best Neteller account alternative.
