Thursday, July 14, 2016

E-Learning means

Salem Alkhalaf (2012:1199) in his research in the journal Social and Behavioral Sciences Procedia explained that E-Learning Systems are a technological development that have reformed and restructured the delivery and interaction of students and teachers with course materials and related resources.

Guo-Heng Luo (2014:204) in her research describes the benefits of using e-Learning, i.e. To overcome physical access limitations, certain institutions have leveraged the Internet to facilitate teaching international trade, building e-learning systems that include teaching videos and slides. Learners can watch the teaching videos anywhere and at any time through the Internet. They can also download and study slides and submit homework through the system. This teaching method is similar to the traditional teaching method, allowing learners to conveniently study international trade by using the Internet.
Hamdani (2011:115) stating that the educational concept system or make use of information technology in the teaching and learning process can be referred to as an e-learning. E-learning in a broad sense can include learning done in electronic media (internet), whether formal or informal. E-learning formally, for example learning with curriculum, syllabus, subjects, and tests that have been arranged and compiled based on the schedule agreed upon related parties (the person who manages e-learning and the learner). Learning like this usually have a high level of interaction. E-learning can also be done informally with simpler interactions, for example through mailing lists, e-newsletter, or personal websites or school who wish to socialize the service, program, specific knowledge or skills in the wider community (usually without charging).
According to Darin e. Hartley in Winarno and Johan Setiawan (2013) in his research entitled the application of E-Learning System on Community Education Home School (Home Schooling) explained that e-learning is a type of teaching and learning that allows students to read by learning materials using the Internet, Intranet or other computer networking media.
Henny Lim (2007:159) in its research reveals that the positive benefits that can be taken from the e-Learning is to increase the independence of the e-Learner in the learning. E-Learning has an important role, among others, enhance equitable education, improve insight, resolve the shorthanded education, and increase efficiency.
Participation rates and user satisfaction will influence the success of the implementation of the system, in which user participation can improve system performance information. In practice must be the existence of a survey or research so that in its implementation can be known deficiencies of the system and the satisfaction of students and teachers in using information systems.

Enthusiastic students or students against the application of e-learning in the process of learning is its own constraints in the development of e-learning applications in Indonesia. It is also troubled by a number of factors, among them many students who don't want to know the development of the internet, internet usage fee is so expensive for the size of the pockets of students, and other factors underlying disease. The application of e-learning in Indonesia will run properly if the factors that prevented it can be resolved. Parties should try to make the University a network of e-learning and students ' interest to use it by means of providing facilities for the use of e-learning. Student party no longer think not to use e-learning because it's very self-defeating (Hamdani, 2011:113).

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